This site is but a small snippet of my work.

Through many years travelling and developing my photography skills, through ever diversified outback and urban locations, a passion for capturing my surrounds grows from of my love for the Australian landscape. I seek out small, unseen details. Or fleeting moments of the wider landscape, amazing because it was able to be captured at just the right moment in time. I hope you enjoy my photos.

Contact me if you wish to use or reproduce images found on this site.

Previous Photography posts are spread over multiple pages; use the 'Blog Archive' menu at the page end or;

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Christmas in the Alpine National Park

This year was a total bypass of Christmas in the traditional sense; no tree, no presents, no turkey, no bon-bons (this probably the hardest bad jokes to memorise) and no staying at home. Instead camping on top of the world near the Howqua River south of Mount Buller. A week of no mobile reception, minimal fuss, and no christmas stress.

The Bluff. Looking North towards Mount Buller across burnt alpine plains.
The Bluff. Looking Sourth towards Eildon with stunted Alpine Snowgums.
Howqua River Tree Branch. River flooding breaks limbs off trees near the highwater-line.
The Bluff. View across to Mount Stirling.


Reflection in the Shop Window. April 2010. I'm in there somewhere.
Liquid Skies. December 2010. This summer it has of course rained a lot. This from my backyard!


Storm Over Great Western Vineyards. February 2010. 
Shark Shielded Pier. Brighton. April 2010
Wet Day on Winter Branches. Moyson. June 2010.
Succulents in Abondoned Goldfields. Rhymney. June 2010. 

Sydney Love Affair Four: the final chapter.

About Sydney.
Dover Heights meets Pacific Ocean. I was so very lucky to have stayed with an amazing friend in an amazing place perched right on these cliffs. The roar of the ocean and the cool breeze was a nice change from inland Carlton!
Tangled Powerline Interchange. Part of my continued fascination with powerlines. This is great, so many jumps and crossovers on the one pole.
Worn Bluestone Steps. Bennelong. Good old durable stone, but multiply 200 years of foot traffic and you have an eternal physical record of those journeys before you.

Sydney Love Affair Three: Panoramas.

Calm on Bondi Beach before Iron-Man race. 2010
Arrival of Night on Sydney City. 2010
Panoramas dont really go to well on the web, and i'm yet to even print one of mine out, but it is nice to see a huge perspective in one image, and despite Sydney's poor weather in my week there, I still found some time to take ok photos.

Sydney Love Affair Two.

Sydney Harbour Bridge Walk.
I have never previously been able to find the place where you can just walk across the bridge for free: this time I found it and loved it. Besides the natural beautiful vantage of the Opera House and all that alluring touristy Sydney stuff, i finally had a chance to look at the immensity of the engineering on the bridge and the complexity of all the spans and rivets holding it together. For me, great stuff!

Sydney Love Affair One.

Architectural Sydney.
Brewers Store. The Rocks. Circa 1800.
British Medical Association Building. 1930.
Sirius Public Housing Apartments. The Rocks. Circa 1960's. My favourite Sydney building and a fantastic example of brutalist Architecture from the period.