This site is but a small snippet of my work.

Through many years travelling and developing my photography skills, through ever diversified outback and urban locations, a passion for capturing my surrounds grows from of my love for the Australian landscape. I seek out small, unseen details. Or fleeting moments of the wider landscape, amazing because it was able to be captured at just the right moment in time. I hope you enjoy my photos.

Contact me if you wish to use or reproduce images found on this site.

Previous Photography posts are spread over multiple pages; use the 'Blog Archive' menu at the page end or;

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Queensland Beaches 2009. How  do you tell a story of a most unforgettable discovery of Australia, yourself and your love of photography? In this very differing series it is through the small details within the sand on some of the most serene sandy beaches i have ever stepped upon. Maybe next time i will give you a greater visual of the Landscape, but this was the holiday that defined my interest in capturing the Detail. Not Macro, but not a Landscape. Uncomplicated compositions where the subject and its context tells a whole story of the micro climate, part of a greater whole, but rarely focused upon soley.

Epic Tasmanian Oceans

Tarkine Region Tasmania 2010. As an interlude to moving back from bush to city, i had a fortunate 2 week exploration to Tassies west coast. Apart from being greeted by sunny weather for most of the trip, the sights were something to really behold, especially the roar of this ocean. Whipped up by the roaring forties across seas uninterrupted until South America, the sound and sight of this ocean was incredible. Breakers to the horizon, sea spray, and a roar that could be heard kilometres away. On a very remote beach in the most beautiful of afternoons i captured this shot which about sums it up.

Towering High Above

Glasshouse Mountains Pine Forest Plantations 2009. Pine forest are another subject of fascination for me. A carefully crafted monoculture is an interesting thing to behold. The eeriness of a pineforest is something created from this monoculture, the trees so foreign even wildlife hasnt adapted to being within the forest, and hence it feels so quiet and you feel so isolated within the tall slender trunks.

Craving Desert Heat

Near Hay Plains NSW 2009. This felt like the hottest, most remote place i had ever been, and after driving 5 hours to be in the middle of it i begged for some sort of feature to break the horizon. Here it was, an endless link of powerlines, from where i dont know, to where i dont know. It just looked beautiful. My favourite industrial form, the powerline, marching across the most sparse and vast landscape i have even been in. Powerlines signify so much for me, and in this they act as proof of human desire and ability to conquer even the most remote of places.