This site is but a small snippet of my work.

Through many years travelling and developing my photography skills, through ever diversified outback and urban locations, a passion for capturing my surrounds grows from of my love for the Australian landscape. I seek out small, unseen details. Or fleeting moments of the wider landscape, amazing because it was able to be captured at just the right moment in time. I hope you enjoy my photos.

Contact me if you wish to use or reproduce images found on this site.

Previous Photography posts are spread over multiple pages; use the 'Blog Archive' menu at the page end or;

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2012/2013 Photography post catch up.

Pinus Negrosa sunset. Creswick Forestry Park.

Volcanic Mountain Relic, Modern potato field, Kingston.

Cloud reflection on Wilaura salt lake 1.

Cloud reflection on Wilaura salt lake 2.

Sunset on Wilaura salt lake.

Succulent salt bush on Wilaura saltlake.

Berry dam Tasmania with bushfire nearby 1.

Berry dam Tasmania with bushfire nearby 2.

Eerie barren sandunes. Point Hicks

View across ranges to snow capped Mount Hotham.