This site is but a small snippet of my work.

Through many years travelling and developing my photography skills, through ever diversified outback and urban locations, a passion for capturing my surrounds grows from of my love for the Australian landscape. I seek out small, unseen details. Or fleeting moments of the wider landscape, amazing because it was able to be captured at just the right moment in time. I hope you enjoy my photos.

Contact me if you wish to use or reproduce images found on this site.

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Wilsons Prom is the most beautiful place in Victoria


Squeaky Beach, 6.30am, Wilsons Prom National Park, Feb 2011. 
I had not taken a photo for two months. My spirits were waning in the concrete jungle. What a way to reinvigorate them. I took two days away culminating in a return to the gorgeous azure waters of the prom. I cannot speak highly enough of how spectacular and unlike any other national park in Victoria this is. People who have been know, to those who dont, paradise awaits. With some of these i thought i would show similar photos, but the end result in different techniques in processing (in Lightroom and Photoshop) to achieve a Black and White versus a Colour print.