Melbourne Skyline Circa 2007, from Rooftop Bar. There are some crazy distortions in this image and that is to be expected for such a wide format. I have tried to maintain vertical perspective and warp the horizontal. This is a huge image file on my computer, measuring 2.8 meters wide, made up from 9 portrait images. Was a fairly flat image, there are now three image layers with different blend modes in each, adjusted curves for better contrast in the midtones, put on a low and high overlay gradient, black and white conversion, adjusted levels and finished with a red/orange colour filter over the top to warm the highlights a bit. I usually dont write about how I choose to manipulate my images to get to the end product, but suffice to say most get around an hour of editing to boost it from a flat RAW image file into something quite different, and abstracted from the original.
This site is but a small snippet of my work.
Through many years travelling and developing my photography skills, through ever diversified outback and urban locations, a passion for capturing my surrounds grows from of my love for the Australian landscape. I seek out small, unseen details. Or fleeting moments of the wider landscape, amazing because it was able to be captured at just the right moment in time. I hope you enjoy my photos.
Contact me if you wish to use or reproduce images found on this site.
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